Pokhara University: Examination at police station - Devanagari News
Devanagari News - 4/30/2019
Lakhanth - Examiner No. 544. Security personnel at least a half. On Monday, students of the Pokhara University central campus presented the examination in the police circle. After three times the examination started at the university's sexually-related college.
The protesters and the police were beaten down Sunday demanding students not to join the examination 'D Plus'. One student was injured in the clash. The students of the 'D Plus' student, who did not have to join the examination, were on the rally in the examination center from Sunday. The university operated a large number of security personnel from the morning after the protesters saw the obstacle in the examination of the students. The armed police also gave security to the examination center.
Lakhanth - Examiner No. 544. Security personnel at least a half. On Monday, students of the Pokhara University central campus presented the examination in the police circle. After three times the examination started at the university's sexually-related college.
The protesters and the police were beaten down Sunday demanding students not to join the examination 'D Plus'. One student was injured in the clash. The students of the 'D Plus' student, who did not have to join the examination, were on the rally in the examination center from Sunday. The university operated a large number of security personnel from the morning after the protesters saw the obstacle in the examination of the students. The armed police also gave security to the examination center.
Students have been in movement since a few days, saying that the Supreme Court should not implement the order that students brought 'D Plus' to 42 campuses under Pokhara University.
Although there were four faculty examinations examined, there were 10 subjects of undergraduate level examination of Sunday management, health sciences and humanities and sociology. Students who reached the examination center once, declined. After finding the obstacle in the examination, the police went ahead. The police arrested 11 students and started the examination. The examination called at 7 o'clock began in the mid-seven.
Student Vinayak Timilisa said that there was no such trial even during 10 years of conflict. "It is not just a matter of examination," he says, 'It is also important for the environment to be examined.' He said that there will be mental stress on the student inside the examination while the movement goes out. He alleged that the university, who was affiliated with 'D Plus' student, had to use the University of Uttar Pradesh to regulate affiliated colleges. BPHH student of the second year, Prvivan Rana University, said that the examination of gunfire was conducted. "Justify the examination of the gun at the gate?" Civil engineering, first year student, Roshan Timilsina, told that the examination would be examined.
Registrar of the University, Govind Sharma says that the future of 30 thousand students is compelled to conduct the examination. "Even the examination has been done," he says. "Due to the Supreme Court verdict regarding D Plus, we can not violate it." Previously, the examinations will start from Phagun 30, Chhat 15 and Vaashakh 6 as well as due to the movement.
The University has announced that the examination will be peaceful as the vacuum test is conducted in all the examination centers by publishing the announcement on Monday.
44 Exit by Student
The 44 boy boycotted on Monday, saying that the test could not be held between the movement. Under the Health Sciences Faculty of Health Camp, 40 of the first year and BPL students of the first year have boycotted the examination. BPH did not give the examination of anatomy and physiology by the entire student of the first semester. They claim to be deprived of their own examination.
The BPH, who was going to give the exam, became the first person of the first year, seeing the stressful situation of the University of Asmita. After he became unconscious, other examinists declined to say that they could not test the police circle. "Police were more than student," said Shweta Ranabhat, "The student is outside, how to test it inside?"
She said that there was no environment of examination after seeing the police with arms inside the examination center. The other candidates accused Aman Kesi to block the police when he tried to enter the examination center at 7:45 pm. "It is possible to enter Hala before half an hour after the regular examination begins," he said, "We were not allowed to enter into a planned form."
The examination center headed by Arjun Gautam said that the student had not entered the examination center even after requesting the student. He said, 'They have no doubt that they should not be examined first.' He said, 'It is not possible to be broken after the time to enter.' He said that the candidates had not entered the examination center first and demanded time later.
The 40 students of BPH have requested the University to demand the arrangement for examination. The examination test of the rules of examination controller Bharatram Dhungana University said that there will be only one day in the next semester. "It can not be done immediately," he says.
Source : Kantipur Daily